RCMP Recovery Mission update
News - Friday 08/05 - Cold Facts team
The recovery mission lead by RCMP is returning to Resolute. Below you will find the RCMP press release. We thank staff and volunteers of RCMP for their brave work and commitment.
> Resolute Bay, Nunavut Recovery of Body of Missing Researcher
> Police File: 2015-482749
> DATE: 2015-05-08
> Resolute Bay, NU; On Wednesday April 29th, 2015, Resolute Bay RCMP
> were advised that a distress call had been sent out by two scientific
> expedition members from the Netherlands traveling on sea ice near
> Bathurst Island, approximately 200 kilometers north of Resolute Bay.
> Aerial Search and Rescue teams were dispatched to the area and located
> expedition equipment including personal items floating in the water at
> the location of the distress signal. Rescue efforts were discontinued
> after it was determined both subjects had perished.
> Due to very poor ice conditions and the remoteness of the location, the
> feasibility of recovery efforts was examined, as there was a possibility
> of the recovery of missing men. On May 2nd, the RCMP, with support of
> local experts and the Polar Continental Shelf Program of Natural
> Resources Canada, dispatched a helicopter to survey the scene. They
> were able to recover the dog traveling with the two men at that time.
> Following consultation with local experts, it was determined that a
> recovery option was possible.
> Further attempts were made to transport a recovery team consisting of
> local volunteers to an abandoned airstrip near the location, but failed
> due to poor ground conditions.
> On May 6th, the RCMP coordinated a team of local volunteers, who were
> highly skilled in working in the area and dealing with poor ice
> conditions to depart to the location via snowmobile. On May 7th, they
> arrived at the site and despite personal risk were able to recover a
> body of one of the two missing men. Unfortunately despite their best
> efforts, they could not locate the second missing man. The findings at
> the scene were consistent with both men perishing as a result of the
> accident. The ice conditions at the location of the incident could best
> be described as very poor.
> The expedition is expected to return to Resolute Bay today and the
> remains will be turned over to the Office of the Chief Coroner for their
> investigation. The identity of the recovered individual is not available
> at this time.
> The RCMP would like to thank the Community of Resolute Bay, the local
> recovery volunteers as well as the Polar Continental Shelf Program for
> their tireless support during search and recovery operations. The RCMP
> would also like to acknowledge the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom
> of the Netherlands for their continuing cooperation during this tragic
> event.
> For additional information please contact:
> RCMP "V" Division Media Relations on call officer
> Media Cell (BB) (867)222-3977
> Email: VDIV_MEDIA.VDIV_IQ_Det.VDiv@rcmp-grc.gc.ca