Elizabeth Jones reports from Antarctica
News - Thursday 12/02 - Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth Jones, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Groningen is currently working at British Antarctic Survey's Rothera Station. Her work is focusing on carbonate chemistry in polar oceans and the role of sea ice.
Elizabeth has joined the Cold Facts science team and will be video documenting her work and life at the station. Also she is testing our handheld Knick Portavo data logger which records salinity and acidification of the ocean.
We are looking forward to some blog updates and a full report once she returns home after 4 months of work in the Antarctic early April.
Wednesday February 11 she featured in the science tv program ‘Met de kennis van nu’ (Dutch): http://www.npo.nl/de-kennis-van-nu/11-02-2015/VPWON_1236019
During Christmas she was featured in BBC’s The Dotty McLeod Breakfast Show: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02flv5d